If your chair won’t recline. There might be several reasons for this, such as the tilt engine being stuck or the gas cylinder requiring lubrication. You can fix it yourself.
Office chairs are vital elements in every office. Please keep in mind that they are not flawless and may fail on any given day. The reclining mechanism is one of the most typical pieces to fail. So, if that’s the primary source of your headaches, we’ll show you how to remedy it in just a few minutes.
in this article you can learn how to fix a chair that won’t recline step by step
Identify the Problem of why the Office Chair won't recline
A recline-mechanism works on a linear spring and a radial spring. These springs control the lever (and backrest) in some office chairs. A similar mechanism includes these components.
- Linear Springs
- Radial Springs
- Levers
- Stabilizer plates
We’ll see what’s happening with your chair. So, sit down in your chair and attempt to press your back into the backrest. If the office chair is not reclining, it is a clear indication that it has been stuck, and you may need to fix it. This approach is the simplest way to identify the problem, although additional methods may be used to detect more complicated errors.
You will learn how to fix a chair that won’t recline, as well as how to cure the “popping noise” that happens as the backrest tilts backward (this is an early symptom of recline failure).
guide on how to fix a chair that won't recline

Check the chair’s tension levels
- Perhaps your chair is not broken, but has a high amount of tension. As a result, you may determine whether this is the case by examining the tension adjustment knob or lever, which is often located behind the seat or on one of the sides.
- The mechanism’s gears disengage entirely when the lever is pulled or the knob tension is reduced. The backrest may now be easily shifted forwards. The lever returns to its original position when the backrest is pulled back.
- This system includes versions in which the lever or knob stays in place while the backrest goes forward or backward.
- So, you may start by changing it by following the plus and negative indications, which are used to raise or decrease the reclining tension, respectively – thus, you can try lowering the tension first and see if the problem goes away.
- The knob can become stuck at times, even if the rest of the reclining mechanism is functioning well. This may cause an office chair to recline and lock. If you are unable to use the knob to lessen the tension, we recommend using a wrench to force the tension release. If the knob was the root of the issue, it should have been repaired by now.
How to Fix Office Chair Won't Lean Back
- If you believe you have a broken office chair, do not worry; instead, follow the tips below to restore your chair back to life.
- To begin, you need understand that an office chair recliner is made up of four major components: a linear spring, a radial spring, a lever, and a stabilizer plate.
- When you lower the knob tension, all of the gears that support the reclining mechanism disengage. As a result, the backrest will glide smoothly forward. In contrast, when you push the backrest backwards, the lever returns to its original position. However, the knob or lever may remain in the same position regardless of the backrest’s movement, making it more difficult to repair. In that scenario, we urge you bring your office chair to a specialist.
- Sometimes the issue isn’t that the office chair won’t recline, but that it doesn’t recline smoothly and makes a “popping” noise as you lean back. If that’s the case, the fault is with the gas cylinder, not the recliner engine. To repair it, you will require the following items:
- WD 40 Lubricant
- Degreaser
- A pair of pliers
- Lubricating the office chair does not guarantee that you will resolve the issue. Many people continue to experience it even after they have lubricated it, however there is a remedy for everything in life.
How to Fix an Office Chair Recline Lock

- Follow the steps to learn how to fix your office chair if the tilt tension is not working.
- Turn your office chair upside down so that the casters point towards the ceiling. You can support yourself with the wall or another chair, for example.
- Once completed, please proceed to remove the bottom gas cylinder clip. It’ll be easy to detect because it’s square-shaped, and removing it will require pliers. An easy pull should enough to remove it.
- Remove the washer. You can also aid yourself using pliers.
- Next, we’ll disable the star-shaped casters’ support. Now that you’ve eliminated the prior components, it should be easy to remove.
- Remove the rings and bearings from the cylinder. Once you remove the star-shaped caster support, you should be able to see these components. You will also have to remove the washer that holds them.
- It is time to clean the cylinder. Although a few paper towels are sufficient to remove extra oil and other agents, you may also use a degreaser.
- Now add lubrication. Once the cylinder is thoroughly clean, coat it with it.
- Begin assembling the office chair again. Begin with the washer enclosing the bearing and ring, then proceed with the remaining pieces using the method described above.
- You don’t need to be an expert to accomplish any of the procedures listed above, but you may ask for assistance if you become lost along the process.
When Should You Buy a New office chair
- When properly maintained, a computer chair recliner may last up to ten years on average. When a chair is rarely used, it may endure longer; but, if it is subjected to the domestic turmoil of children and dogs, its lifespan may be reduced. A well-built recliner is more likely to endure longer, so when searching for one, know what to look for.
- In addition to comfort, additional things must be considered. To stay comfortable and shape-retaining, the chair’s cushion density grade should be 1.9 or greater. So, consider a lumbar support office chair. Some chairs include a lever that may be used to elevate the footrest, whilst others require you to lean back. Pushback chairs
recommended best office chair
1- GABRYLLY Ergonomic Mesh Office Chair
2- Duramont Ergonomic Office Chair
3- SIHOO M57 Ergonomic Office Chair
recommended the BEST 11 RECLINER CHAIRS
continue how to fix a recliner chair